
Do you have one or more cracks in your foundation?
Keep an eye on those cracks! They can cause more serious problems, such as concrete efflorescence. We advise that you call on foundation experts as soon as you discover the first visible signs of a crack in your foundation.
Take advantage of all our services and expert advice to help you see things more clearly.
Static cracks/active cracks
There are two types of foundation cracks: static and active.
Static cracks do not pose any immediate structural risk to your foundation. However, over time, if left unrepaired, moisture will tend to seep into the concrete and cause the crack to expand. Water will eventually find its way through, and your static cracks will become active cracks.
Active cracks pose a structural hazard to your building.

Crack repair methods
Cracks can be repaired from the inside or the outside. However, it is best to repair them from the outside, since we can then fix the problem before it comes into contact with the foundation.
By examining your cracks and your French drain, our experts are able to quickly detect other problems invisible to the naked eye. With SOS Sous-Sol, your basement is on solid footing.
For very little cost, we can install drainage access chimneys, facilitating future drain inspections and cleanings. An option that could save you hundreds of dollars.
Our approach
First and foremost, SOS Sous-sol makes sure to find the cause of the crack. This step is essential, since it allows us to identify the right technique to use to eliminate the source of the problem.

SOS Sous-sol dispose d’une expertise très pointue, de techniques spécialisées et d’une large gamme de solutions pour une réparation à long terme, efficace et optimale.
Faites confiance à nos experts et à leurs méthodes avant-gardistes de réparation de fissures.

We use the best techniques in the industry to remedy the situation:
- The foundation is pressure cleaned to remove all forms of dirt and prepare for proper adhesion of our products.
- We can inject the crack with expandable polyurethane.
- A liquid elastomeric membrane is applied by one of our technicians according to our quality standards.
- A self-adhesive membrane is then installed.
- To ensure durability and protection, a dimpled membrane provides a final layer covering the foundation wall. This membrane is designed to redirect any water to the French drain.
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